Quelques heures après le lancement de la COP22 à Marrakech, la ministre française de l’environnement Ségolène Royale et la ministre australienne des affaires étrangères Julie Bishop se sont rencontrées pour discuter ensemble de la protection des différents récifs coralliens du monde.
L’Australie et la France ont pour intérêt commun la préservation des récifs coralliens du monde entier et sont à ce jour en quête de nouveaux progrès concernant la protection de ces récifs. Ainsi, ces deux grandes nations continueront-elles d’avancer ensemble, mais également avec l’aide d’autres ministres – ICRI – de différents pays, afin de promouvoir les efforts de conservation et alors garantir un avenir meilleur à tous ces écosystèmes.
Protecting the World’s Coral Reefs: déclaration officielle
· Australia and France share a strong commitment to preserving the world’s
coral reefs.
· The world’s coral reefs are under growing pressure from the cumulative
impacts of factors such as rising ocean temperatures and ocean acidity
caused by climate change, overfishing, pollutants and sediments coming
from land, and increased sea traffic.
· Coral reef ecosystems are some of the most beautiful and biodiverse on
our planet. Healthy reefs provide a source of livelihood for many
communities and are of pivotal importance to world food security.
· Managing our reefs is a local endeavour, but sharing our expertise and
cooperating on best practice globally offers the best prospect of the
world’s coral reefs responding and recovering from threats and challenges.
· Coral reefs are also vital early warning systems for the changes affecting
our oceans caused by climate change. Building upon the entry into force of
the Paris Agreement, continued joint action by all to address climate
change is crucial.
· More than two decades ago Australia and France with six other nations
founded the International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI) to improve
sustainable management of coral reefs.
· The members of ICRI have developed a Plan of Action to strengthen
international action and cooperation on best practice in reef management.
· Under the plan, ICRI will increase its focus on climate change, including
the role coral reefs and related ecosystems can play in climate change
mitigation and adaptation. It will help address human threats to
ecosystems, such as those from plastic microbeads, and better monitor
the state of the world’s coral reefs. ICRI will also promote public
awareness of the importance of coral reefs, including making 2018 the
third International Year of the Reef.
· This is a powerful commitment, backed by the best expertise the world has
to offer. Australia and France will continue to work together, and with
Ministers of other ICRI countries, to advance global coral reef preservation
efforts and secure the future of these ecosystems.
Source : http://www.ambafrance-au.org/COP22-Protecting-the-World-s-Coral-Reefs
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